Listen by Post

You can register with Scarborough Talking News to receive our weekly Audio Newspaper and our periodic Audio Magazine by post.

The News is sent to you every week (although we have a week off at Christmas and at Easter). The Magazine is sent separately, every two months, currently.

The News, ready for the post

The weekly News and the periodic Magazine are sent by post, thanks to the generosity of the Royal Mail.

The News recording is made each Wednesday, and is posted to you on a Thursday in a specially designed plastic wallet. The Magazine is similarly but separately posted out, after each recording.

In the wallet, you will receive a USB stick, which you can easily insert into a suitable player, which we also loan to you free of charge, for as long as you are registered with us.

Once you have registered with us, full training is given in the use of the player and how to listen to the weekly broadcast or the magazine articles on the USB.

All you have to do is follow the instructions to return the News USB stick to us (postage free) within a week using the same plastic wallet. You have longer to listen to and return the Magazine USB in its wallet.

You can apply to receive the Scarborough Talking News and Magazine using the form below. If you are not able to use the form, you can ask a relative, friend or carer to use our Referral Form to make a referral for you. Or please call us on 07493 700724 and we will provide any help you need.

Once we have your application we will arrange to visit you to explain the processes involved and to demonstrate the audio player we loan to you free of charge.

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