We See with our Hearts – not with our Eyes

Sefton of the Turn Up the Colour group painting mural

On this sunny May morning, Sefton is sat on the ground with paint brush in hand and focus on the wall in front of him. Surrounded by paint and inspirational vision, he is all set to create a powerful statement about communication, creating conversation about seeing beyond physical aspects, embracing unique individualism. For the past few days, Sefton, a Scarborough based artist, has completed necessary foundation preparation for the artwork and today an attention – grabbing central eye has been given life with colour.     

Sefton is part of the Turn Up the Colour group who have been commissioned by North Yorkshire County Council to bring thought-provoking murals to Scarborough Streets and will make Yorkshire Coast Sight Support (YCSS) a talking point on Dean Road.

Colin, YCSS Manager and Talking News Trustee, says, “The idea behind the mural is to depict what YCSS does. The mural’s title ‘We see with our Hearts Not with our Eyes’ is exactly what we do. No discrimination. Nothing preconceived. We will try our best to help whoever needs it. We have wanted the mural for a few years – the Scarborough Fair funding helped us get there.”

Sefton plans to include Scarborough marine life, hidden messages, motifs and symbols, friends and family, all with the purpose of stimulating the little grey cells.

Good weather will greatly help completion of the project in time for Scarborough Fair this summer. “Hopefully, it will be something really magical and wonderful for the people of Dean Road and all who see it,” says Sefton, as he settles back onto the pavement to create the next step of colourful imagery.

Steph Brown

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