Refer a Listener

We welcome enquiries directly from potential recipients, as well as family, friends, carers, ECLOs, Social Services, Opticians, or anyone else who may benefit from, or knows someone who may benefit from our postal service to receive a weekly Talking News bulletin by USB (a USB player is loaned to the listener free of charge).

If you are enquiring for yourself, please fill in the form on the registration page and we will contact you.

If you know someone who might benefit from our service and would like more information please contact us and we will be more than happy to answer any questions.

Usually, it is then easiest if you can then ask the intended recipient to complete our registration form or to telephone us, with your help if necessary. However, we appreciate that isn’t always possible, and in those cases we would ask that you fill in the form below.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your Name as the Referrer
Your Email
For data protection, please confirm that you have spoken to the person you are referring and that they have consented to your passing us their data
The Name of the Person you are Referring
if they have one
Street address, Town/City and Postcode
Do any of the above statements apply to the person you are referring? Please tick all that apply or answer “None”.
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