Scarborough Talking News AGM

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The Annual General meeting of the Scarborough Talking News will be held on Tuesday, 28 November, 2023 at The Resource Centre, 181-183 Dean Road at 11.30am.

All volunteers and listeners are cordially invited to attend.


To elect new executive officers – Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary. Chief Editor, Registrar and Technical
To elect 6-9 other members to the Committee
Presentation of STN annual report
Presentation of annual financial accounts
Any Other Business:

  1. Notification by the Committee of Trustees to bring forward to a future EGM a proposal to amend
    the Constitution of Scarborough Talking News
  2. An introduction from Lynne Holt, Partnership Development Officer, NYCC outlining possible
    support and activities for Listeners and STN

Nominations for election to these key roles must be made in writing (including email) to the Secretary by Monday, 20 November, 2023. All proposed nominations must be made following the consent of the proposed nominees.

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