STN Volunteer News 4: June 2004

Photo of our Registrar, Susan Airlie

I think the STN newsletter is a great way to keep members in touch with what is going on in the organisation. We need an afternoon tea somewhere so I can put names to faces. Mind you, I think I would still get muddled up!

It was a year ago that Talking News was in dire straits and its demise seemed imminent. However, the ‘war cry’ was raised, existing volunteers rallied and here we are.

I was asked if I would be on the committee and the rest is history. To me, ‘Registrar’ was a medical person. But I must admit I am getting used to the title and try hard to keep my work on the straight and narrow.

It is now the time to ask you all for dates you are not able to do between July and the end of September to compile the next rota and you will also receive emails or texts to this effect! I will have to delve into my brain to remember how to add columns and rows to Excel sheets to say nothing of putting names in alphabetical order. Luckily, I have a long-suffering husband and a dog who is my saving grace by taking her for cliff walks on the North and South bays.

Susan Airlie
Registrar and Editor

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